News Jan 22 24

​​Global Manufacturers Relocate to Vietnam Over China - Unraveling the Investment Landscape

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In the dynamic landscape of global manufacturing, a notable shift is underway as businesses increasingly choose Vietnam over China as their preferred investment destination. This transition is propelled by a myriad of reasons, each rooted in the unique advantages offered by the Vietnamese market.

From cost-effective labor to strategic geographical positioning, this blog post delves into the compelling factors driving global manufacturers to relocate to Vietnam while also exploring the challenges that accompany such a significant investment decision.

Join us in uncovering the intricacies of this transformative trend shaping the future of international manufacturing.

QueenBee Manufacturers Relocate to Vietnam from China: The Recent Status

Numerous international enterprises are currently expanding or relocating to Vietnam. The decision to move their manufacturing operations to alternative hubs beyond China was driven by enduring factors such as trade tensions with the U.S. and China’s COVID-related restrictions. The growing demand for a China+1 strategy, often urged by suppliers’ clients seeking diversification, underscores this industry-wide relocate to Vietnam.

QueenBee Manufacturers Relocate to Vietnam from China: The Recent Status
Source: Rawpixel

Northern Vietnam has emerged as a prominent destination for industrial real estate development, witnessing remarkable progress. Many companies are drawn to establish their presence there, particularly as supply chains with China become more intricately connected. Moreover, the allure of lower wages in central Vietnam, particularly in the garment sector, has positioned the region as an attractive choice for certain businesses.

This strategic diversification aligns with the evolving landscape of global business, reflecting a proactive approach to mitigate risks and capitalize on emerging opportunities in the dynamic manufacturing sector.

Why Do QueenBee Manufacturers Relocate to Vietnam from China?

1. Effects of the US-China Trade Conflict

The trade dispute between the United States and China led to significant tariffs on Chinese goods, rendering manufacturing in China less economically viable. Conversely, importing products from Vietnam remained comparatively uncomplicated, encouraging businesses to relocate to Vietnam. Consequently, Vietnam witnessed a notable yearly surge in exports to the United States, showcasing growth rates spanning from 20% to 30%.

2. Rapid Growth in Advanced Manufacturing Sector

Vietnam is emerging as a pivotal production center for the technology industry, strategically augmenting its manufacturing footprint alongside existing operations in China.

Notably, Apple has initiated the production of AirPods within Vietnam, a strategic relocate to Vietnam aimed at mitigating import expenses associated with China. In a similar vein, Samsung has transferred one of its manufacturing facilities from China to Vietnam, resulting in an impressive 300% surge in electronics manufacturing output.

4. Conducive Business Landscape in Vietnam

Why Do QueenBee Manufacturers Relocate to Vietnam from China?
Source: Vietnamnews

Vietnam provides an advantageous business milieu for global enterprises, streamlining the establishment of factories and logistical operations. Participation in global trade bodies and multiple international agreements with nations worldwide expedite export processes. The nation upholds international benchmarks, guaranteeing robust manufacturing capacities and safeguarding the rights of employees.

5. Cost Advantage in Labor Investment in Vietnam

investment in Vietnam Cost Advantage in Labor
Source: Pixabay

Vietnam holds a distinct edge over China due to its competitive labor costs, reaching as low as one-third of China’s wages. Despite significant increases in China’s minimum wages in key urban areas, Vietnam remains an economically advantageous option. While Vietnam experiences gradual growth in labor costs, the rate is comparatively slower than that of China. Such strength makes relocate to Vietnam attractive for manufacturers seeking cost efficiency.

6. Political Tranquility

investment in Vietnam
Source: Flickr

Vietnam stands out for its political steadiness, free from entanglements in global or local disputes, rendering it an appealing hub for business and tourism alike. The administration actively fosters progress and a conducive business environment by streamlining bureaucratic processes and extending tax benefits to international investors.

7. Streamlined Shipping Operations

Vietnam’s expansive 3,200-kilometer Pacific seaboard facilitates seamless exports to global markets such as the United States, the European Union, and Oceania.

Besides, the close proximity to China guarantees effortless procurement of raw materials as and when required. This extensive coastal reach not only optimizes shipping logistics but also enhances the efficiency of the supply chain, positioning Vietnam as an ideal hub for international trade. Such strength also contributes to the attractiveness of relocate to Vietnam for growing businesses.

relocating to Vietnam
Source: Rawpixel

The strategic location along the Pacific coast also allows businesses to capitalize on the region’s economic opportunities, leveraging swift and cost-effective transportation routes for the import and export of goods. As a result, companies operating in Vietnam benefit from a competitive advantage in the dynamic landscape of global commerce.

Read more about Vietnam’s investment landscape:

What to Be Aware of Before Relocating to Vietnam?

1. Strong Local Business Culture

Navigating Vietnam’s industrial landscape presents distinctive hurdles for enterprises. First, the local business ethos, shaped by factors such as a tradition of flexibility with timelines, diverges significantly from Western standards.

Second, individuals hailing from Germany, Japan, or Finland, who prioritize punctuality and strict adherence to rules may encounter difficulty adjusting to this cultural transition.

Next, a pivotal aspect involves acclimating to communication styles, wherein Western preferences for directness contrast with the Northern Vietnamese penchant for indirect approaches, aimed at preserving interpersonal harmony and saving faces.

2. Complex Legal Procedures

Foreign companies operating in Vietnam often encounter challenges navigating the intricate framework of legal procedures. From initial establishment to day-to-day activities, the regulatory environment presents a substantial hurdle.

Adhering to local laws requires nuanced comprehension, underscoring the necessity for companies to secure legal expertise. The intricacies involved may result in delays, misinterpretations, and financial setbacks. Effectively maneuvering through these legal complexities is pivotal for a lucrative relocate to Vietnam as well as the sustained expansion and profitability of foreign enterprises in the country.

3. Vietnamese Language Barrier

Foreign businesses operating in Vietnam encounter a significant obstacle in the form of language barriers. Despite the nation’s rapid economic progress, there persists a linguistic divide that impedes seamless communication between international investors and local stakeholders.

The Vietnamese language, characterized by its distinctive tonal intricacies, presents challenges for expatriates navigating the business landscape. This linguistic barrier extends beyond daily interactions to encompass legal documentation and regulatory compliance.

QueenBee manufacturers are relocating to VN from China: The Recent Status, Reasons & Challenges of relocating to Vietnam
Source: Vibrantly Vietnam

Addressing these language challenges is imperative for the success of investment in Vietnam. Enterprises should allocate resources to language training and implement localization strategies to bridge this gap, promote effective communication, and facilitate smoother business operations to successfully relocate to Vietnam.

4. Inadequate Supply of Highly Skilled Professionals

Foreign enterprises relocate to Vietnam confront a significant hurdle due to the limited availability of highly skilled specialists. Despite the allure of investment in Vietnam, the dearth of qualified professionals poses challenges for those aiming to establish a robust presence. The demand for specialized skills consistently surpasses the existing talent pool, affecting industries ranging from technology to manufacturing.

To address this challenge, foreign businesses in Vietnam often grapple with the decision to make substantial investments in local talent development or navigate through a competitive landscape for a restricted pool of skilled professionals. This scarcity underscores a pivotal consideration for potential investors evaluating opportunities in Vietnam.

​​Global Manufacturers Relocate to Vietnam Over China - Unraveling the Investment Landscape
Source: Rawpixel

In conclusion, the mass relocate to Vietnam of global manufacturers from China signifies a strategic shift in the manufacturing landscape. The unique blend of competitive advantages positions Vietnam as an attractive investment destination.

While the move presents numerous advantages, challenges like bureaucracy and a lack of expert supply should not be overlooked. As the world witnesses this pivotal relocation, it is evident that Vietnam has emerged as a compelling hub for global manufacturing investments.

Interested in discovering more about the industrial real estate landscape in Vietnam? Follow us at CORE5 Vietnam to stay updated.

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